Work-Life Balance and Stress One of the essential factors in successfully managing work–life balance is the ability to reduce and control stress. Stress is undoubtedly one of the biggest problems faced by the modern workforce. It is also becoming an increasingly worrying problem for employers. In this article we review stress in the workplace, the current legal attitude, and what individuals and employers can do to minimize stress and its damaging consequences. Stress and the workplace Stress is on the increase across the world. Recent surveys in the US by the American Psychological Association indicate that about 43% of adults suffer adverse health effects due to stress, and that between 75-90% of visits to a doctor are stress-related.
Most of us feel “stressed out” at least once a month, and the majority of visits to doctors, and days off work, are for stress-related problems. But stress also can grow slowly and go unnoticed, or ignored, for years. Lack of time, information and motivation can cause it to build up until something breaks under the pressure.
With this in mind, one of the most important skills we can ever learn is the right way to manage stress. Once the skills are in place, moods become more stable, thoughts become clearer, relationships improve, and the risk of illness diminishes